For the first time, Holmes Beach voters get a voice in a decision that impacts all of us: whether to approve a land transfer between the City of Holmes Beach and the Cooper Family.
What's at Stake? 
The Coopers would like to trade 2,911 square feet of beach front property they own in exchange for 2,500 square feet of a city-owned easement that serves no purpose. In addition to giving more than they take, the Coopers will fund dune enhancement projects and ban short-term rentals on the property as part of their agreement with the City.

The so-called “land swap” is a good deal for voters and the City. Here’s why:

Holmes Beach is getting more than it gives up, including 2,911 square feet of prime beachfront property

It consolidates city-owned beachfront property instead of the current arrangement of disjointed, disconnected parcels

It includes $10,000 of environmental improvements to enhance our dune system

It prevents the home in question from being used as a short-term vacation rental
It helps build a better beach!